


Fil-Estate Properties, Inc.

Fil-Estate Management, Inc. (FEMI) is a privately held investment and management company organized in 1982. FEMI has equity interests in several companies in the Philippines engaged in mass transportation and infrastructure, real estate sales and development, hotel and leisure, information technology, security and other business. Two of these companies are listed with Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE).

FEMI owns 87.885% of Metro Global Holdings, Inc., a PSE listed company, which has a 28.4% interests in Metro Rail Transit Holdings, Inc. II (MRT II). MRTH II owns Metro Rail Transit Corporation, which has awarded by the Philippine Government the BLTY agreement to build, lease and transfer a 156.9 kilometer rail transit system in Metro Manila, known as LRTS Phase I or the Metro Rail Transit (MRT) 3.

FEMI was also responsible for the listing with the PSE of File-Estate Land, Inc., now Global Estate Resorts, Inc. (GERI), in 1995. GERI is a top player resort and leisure development company in the Philippines with high profile projects like Fairways and Bluewater New Coast Resort in Boracay and Twin Lakes in Batangas. FEMI owns approximately 6% of the shares of stock of Global-Estate Resorts, Inc.

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