James offers residential properties in prime exclusive villages in Quezon City. At his service, he will expose your property to qualified buyers online. Offer it to his pool of prospects looking in that area; share it with brokers who have a buyer and get it sold for you fast. You will get honest market information, feedback, and clear communication. Experience stress-free transaction. By getting your money back from your property we sell. Help you pay your capital gains tax on time. You as a buyer, you’ll get the property documents transferred under your name within a month or even less. Own the property legally fast. If you are selling or buying a property, talk to James today!
Contact Details
- Mobile : +639669403353
Progress & Stats
Property Location
- 46% Metro Manila
- 32% Quezon City
- 5% Ortigas CBD
- 17% Others
Property Type
- 46% Residential
- 17% Lot
- 15% House and Lot
- 22% Others
Property Status
- 97% For Sale
- 3% For Rent